About Us
We are a startup company in the field of digital dentistry.
We conduct R&D and license out our technologies in a B2B business model. In addition, we provide technology consulting and contracted development services.
Our founders
Our team comprises more than 20 years of professional experience in the fields of mecatronic, 3D computer vision and optical metrology. We are here to innovate and compete with the best, and we believe that quality and customer orientation is the key to success.
Core Value
Consistent system validation and 100% quality control guarantee reliable products. Only certified suppliers are accredited as suppliers.
To connect the world’s medical professionals to make them more productive and successful
we will act with utmost integrity and pursue your work in an honest and ethical manner, take responsibility for our actions and consider the effects on others.
See how we are doing during covid-19
All accounts will be on the Premium Plus Plan for free during the promotion period.
To better support our community during this COVID-19 crisis, we have extended the existing free Premium Plus Plan promotion for an additional year.
COVID-19 Support Promotion will run until September 2022, after which time you will need to choose one of the available membership plans.
Note: During the promotion period, there may be restrictions on the service if the cloud capacity exceeds the capacity allocated in the Premium Plus Plan.